
DLM East Received ISO 9001:2015 Certification

We are proud to announce that our East Berlin, PA facility has been awarded ISO 9001:2105 certification on April 16th, 2018.  ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard that ensures services meet the needs of clients through an effective quality management system.


Our decision to work towards ISO 9001 accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing a high-quality and consistent service to our clients and our ongoing investment in technology, development and processes and procedures. To become ISO 9001 compliant, our East Berlin plant underwent an evaluation process that included quality management system development, a management system review, pre-audit, initial assessment, and clearance of non-conformances, all of which work to identify corrective actions that eliminate non-conformance to the ISO 9001 quality management standard.


Speaking about this achievement, DLM CEO Todd Musso said, "The ISO 9001:2015 standard requires a high degree of management commitment and is based on risk-based thinking. Our East Berlin plant’s successful certification is testament to the positive engagement of our associates, and demonstrates a clear desire to embrace the standard as a fundamental element of our customer focused strategy.”